Saturday, January 12, 2008

April 3, 2007

April 3, 2007
Tom finished the sealer on our new teak folding chairs that we bought in New Bern. Now they are dry, and all the galley (kitchen) stuff is packed. We decided to take the down comforter for the bed and we have DVDs, and books and lots knitting in our loaded down rental car.
We arrived in Annapolis and the boat is here! It is just beautiful and the name is painted on the stern so it must really be ours. Navy and Gold Letters - The Next Thirty Years. This is really an adventure to be savored and treasured. We are so excited about this opportunity – it like a dream. I keep expecting to wake up...
Dinner at the Narrows restaurant included the most delicious cream of crab soup while overlooking the bay. The sky was streaked with V formations of migrating geese and the sun set over a line of boats rocking gently in their slips. Dinner was followed by a trip to Safeway to buy some bread and more stuff. It was a huge, new Safeway (with IBM point of sale equipment), but they did not have fig preserves, so we are going to have to rough it.

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