Saturday, October 25, 2008

October 26 (Sunday): Nashville

This morning we walked up Broadway to the First Baptist Church of Nashville. It was a bright sunny day projected to be in the 70’s this afternoon. There was music wafting through the air and we think it was from speakers at the corners. The sanctuary of First Baptist was totally renovated in 1967 and it had several huge stained glass windows in abstract patterns of jewel toned colors reminding us of the window at Trinity at home. The interior is all brick and the robed choir of over 100 sat below an extensive set of organ pipes. Their youth choir of 40 high schoolers sang with their sanctuary choir and then sang the anthem the old spiritual “Shut de Do’ (keep the Devil in the night)”. We really enjoyed singing “How Great Thou Art” with the congregation full of voices. The pastor’s message was on preparing for the storms of life when they come, with the title “Fire Drills.”

This afternoon we took a 14 mile bicycle ride back across the pedestrian bridge by the LP Stadium and down to the Shelby Bottoms greenway. It reminded us of the trail around Shelly Lake in Raleigh with lots of people out enjoying the beautiful Sunday afternoon. There were roller blades, fast bikers, families on bikes, walkers of all ages and strollers for those not walking yet. We rode all the way out to where there was a pedestrian bridge over the Cumberland River to the Opryland Mall part of town and then circled back to downtown Nashville.

Next we visited the Nashborough Fort on the river front behind a stockade. There was a group of log cabins with a two story house at the corner for defense. There was a historical marker there recognizing Colonel James Robertson who brought settlers to the area in 1780 and built the fort. He defended it against Indian attacks and stayed with the colony when other leaders gave up. He was called the Father of Nashville.

The local news is covering the Monday night football game here in Nashville and asking people who work downtown to leave early to go home if they can. All the photography of the stadium, including the Ghost Ballet sculpture are views that we have from the boat. Tom was able to track down tickets for us to go to the Colts versus Titans televised game tomorrow night. So look for us on Monday Night Football.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll look for you guys at the game! I'm so glad you've enjoyed your trip in our city of Nashville! Sorry we were out of town all weekend but we did enjoy getting to spend the little time we had with you! Here's to safe travels the rest of the way! See you soon!