Friday, May 1, 2009

The Duel

The Duel

Cc: Boyd Dimmock

April 30, 2009

The duel of nature was set for high noon

Sabers were drawn and rattled

The sun was just ready to be the judge

The sea and the sky faced off in a battle

For each claimed to be the master of beauty

Holding the greatest colors and intensity to show

Each determined to show their dominance

Played out of the canvass of the Abaco

The sea said, “Just see my emerald green sparkling in the light,

Where the shallow sea had more colors to teach.

Lapping on the sandy shore waves glistened

On the rose sand of the coral beach.”

The sky said, “I own the center of the spectrum,

I define blue, the color is sky blue,

The sky is a deep primary shade of nature

A color that satisfies the soul, its true.”

“But the amazing shades of turquoise I have

Delight the eye and seem the best

While the sparking diamonds of light

You see dancing on the water’s crest.”

The sea continued its glory display

Iced with surging lacey white caps

Inky navy blue of the deepest ocean

Rolls miles and miles over marine maps.

The sky thought hard and turned gray with thunder clouds;

While the sea roared with glee

The day waned and the battle looked lost

The sun judge nodded to the sea.

With a stroke of genius, the sky fought back.

As the sun waned at the end of the day,

Lavender clouds offset the darkening shaphire

In a sky that glowed with coral and magenta rays.

The sun then laughed and dipped with gratitude

For the beauty of paradise in the raw

God’s awesome palette seen in its glory

And called the duel a draw.


Anonymous said...

wow... did you write that?! I LOVED IT! :)


Boyd said...

Thanks! Yes I wrote it after just sensing that the duel was underway! the colors were all so vivid : )

Anonymous said...

This is great! I think you've found your next vocation -- poet in residence!
Thanks for sharing the trip with all of us readers.